Daily Contact Lenses

  • Insurance synced Apply vision benefits See {{switchText}}
    {{ (hasLenses && toInsurance.isEnabled()) ? 'Vision insurance applied' : 'Apply vision insurance' }} See Benefits
    See Benefits Add your insurance to take advantage of your vision benefits.
    Insurance benefits won't be applied to the prescription glasses promotion.
    Insurance cannot be used without selecting prescription lenses
{{ getInsuranceBenefits("contactLenses", '/wcsstore/TargetOpticalStorefrontAssetStore/') }}
Your benefits will apply once lenses are selected
Schedule an eye exam


Daily Contacts

Discover our top-notch daily contact lenses selection. We're sure you'll find the perfect pair of daily contacts for you. One day contact lenses are made to be used for just one day and then disposed of. This makes daily contact lenses a comfortable and easy solution for contact wearers - especially those who may suffer from dry eyes or allergies. Whether you need toric lenses, multifocal lenses, lenses for astigmatism or simply single vision contacts, with our daily contacts selection, you'll be set for whatever the day throws at you! Why not try out our colored daily contact lenses and switch up your look with a pop of color!?